The Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha

“If you do not know who you are, then your knowledge, education and bank account have no value.” - Dr. Vasant Lad

To know your prakrit (your energetic composition at birth) means to know your ratio of vata, pitta and kapha, this is your genetic code from time of fertilisation, which does not change.

This is your state of perfect balance, unique to you.

Ayurveda says normality varies from person to person.

One person’s medicine will be another’s poison.

In our modern world therefore, we see some people get results from one diet, or fitness routine and others do not.

Through the lens of your prakruti we can gain awareness of our physical appearance, appetite, digestion, thirst, physical activity, emotions, intellect, memory, sleep, speech, and even your financial status.

Life is a journey of self-discovery, and this ancient science has helped me understand my body, my mind, and my soul on a very deep level.

Ayurveda is not only a spiritual science, but also a practical, clinical, medical science. Knowing and understanding your prakriti helps you understand what a good diet, exercise and lifestyle works from your constitution. Your prakriti or energetic composition can be diagnosed through your pulse, or through your natal chart.

While you are made up of a ratio of vata, pitta, kapha you will likely be more prominent in one. The doshas are described in detail below.


Physical Characteristics:

  • Thin and active
  • Skin is dry and rough
  • Easily fatigued
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Discomfort in cold season
  • Dry hair
  • Less perspiration
  • Digestion and appetite variable
  • Either too tall or too short

Emotional qualities:

  • Creative and excited
  • Love new experiences
  • Quick to learn, quick to forget
  • Talk and walk hastily
  • Enthusiastic but has changeable moods
  • Acts on impulse
  • Disjointed/racing thoughts and disturbed sleep


Changeable, excitable, and indecisive and have good but erratic mental powers.


When out of balance, tends towards fear, anxiety, isolation, loneliness, and exhaustion. It can lead to both physical and energetic depletion, disrupt proper communication, and cause abnormal movements in the body, such as tics, tremors, and muscle spasms.


Great mental energy, imagination, and a highly creative mind.

Ways to balance excess Vata

  • Prefer warm temperatures
  • Follow the daily schedule
  • Get minimum 8 hours of sleep
  • Prepare warm meals and sit for meals at regular time
  • Add more sweet, sour, and salty foods in your diet
  • Moderate, consistent exercise would help in retaining the mobile nature of Vata
  • Ensure proper elimination daily
  • Add quality oil or ghee in your foods
  • Always prefer cooked vegetables instead of raw ones. 


Vata brings changes in the world (visionary). They have ideas and they like to work and talk. They can excel in art, teaching, marketing, research, communication, writing. 


Physical Characteristics:

  • Medium, strong, and well-built body
  • Moderate muscle development
  • Thin, silky, and reddish-brown hair- tendency towards premature greyness
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Intolerance to the sun or hard work
  • Warm body temperature

Emotional Characteristics:

  • Orderly, competitive, focused
  • Strong appetite, strong digestion
  • Uninterrupted medium sleep
  • Decision makers, speakers, and teachers
  • Sharp and good concentration
  • Leadership qualities, like to be in command
  • Precise and outspoken, sometimes sarcastic
  • Abundant vitality and stamina
  • Vigorous, passionate, and entrepreneurial
  • Become argumentative, short-tempered, and irritated when out of balance


Prone to fiery emotions like irritability and anger. Logical, critical, perceptive, and intelligent.


Efficient, organised and perfectionists with good memory. Their thoughts and ideas are logical and well planned. They are focused, persuasive and dominate conversation.


Fiery, reactionary emotions such as frustration, anger, jealousy, and criticism. Imbalanced pitta is often at the root of inflammatory disorders, which can affect organs and tissues throughout the body.

Ways to balance excess pitta

  • Add cool foods like cucumber, melons, grapes, coconuts, etc. in your diet
  • Do not skip meals
  • Engage in calming activities like meditation, spending time with nature
  • Do not create unnecessary time pressure to yourself
  • Prefer sweet, astringent, and bitter taste
  • Avoid artificial stimulants like caffeine
  • Avoid deep fried food and alcohol
  • Follow a regular daily routine of eating, waking, and sleeping
  • Reduce overwork and have a balanced work and leisure routine


Pittas are good in decision making, organising, and leading. They can excel as a manager, leader, or a businessperson. They can also excel in the police or army. 


Physical Characteristics:

  • Big, beautiful eyes, well-shaped mouth, smooth porcelain skin
  • Big body frame and stocky body
  • Smooth, oily and lustrous skin
  • Thick, long, wavy, lustrous, brown hair
  • Their eyes are brown, large and oval shape
  • Soft, deep and calm voice. They talk less and slowly
  • Cold to touch

Emotional Characteristics:

  • Love to sleep; they have difficulty to wake up
  • Stable appetite, but they can skip meals easily
  • Consistent and solid energy
  • Take time to learn, but once learnt they have solid memory
  • Patient, grounded, caring, stable and supportive of family and loved ones
  • Calm and gentle nature, well balanced, steady in mind and act deliberately


Inclined to watery emotions, like love, desire romance and sentimentality. They are kind, considerate and loyal but also slow to respond, conversative, shy and obedient.



Kapha people are loving, caring, compassionate, calm, steady and with tranquil thoughts and ideas.



Emotions of attachment, greed, and possessiveness can also create stubbornness, lethargy, and resistance to change. Physically, it tends to invite stagnation and congestion in organs and tissues throughout the body—including the mind.


Ways to balance excess Kapha

  • Try eating a diet that consists of pungent, bitter or astringent taste. Warm foods and spices such as ginger, chilli and cinnamon are good for keeping you in balance
  • Consume room temperature or warm drinks
  • Create a routine time on when to eat your meals
  • Get moving. This could mean a walk in the morning or a yoga class during the day.
  • Stay warm and dry. Those who are kapha-dominant may be extra sensitive to the cold and may get congested easily – use a heat lamp or heating pad near the chest/back area can help
  • Wake up before sunrise
  • Eat your largest meal at lunchtime and a smaller meal at dinnertime. Allow at least three hours for digestion before bedtime



Kaphas are loving and compassionate and have high stamina and tolerance. Excel in human service jobs, sports, singing and professions which need physical stamina. 

If you would like to find out more about your dosha or energetic composition, you can book vedic health consultation with me here.

About Tarra

Tarra Lee is a Jyotish & Ayurvedic Consultant, weaving and drawing inspiration from all the Ancient Vedic sciences including Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish, Tantra and Vastu Shastra. Through the integrating these systems, she guides individuals to reconnect to their body wisdom and empowers them to become their own healer.

Learn more


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